Monday, November 1, 2010

Fall and Autumn.

I've never liked the word Autumn. It sounds pretentious. I can't even think it except in a snobby British accent. The word Fall is better, much earthier, muddy and simple: an outdoors word. You can jump in it like a puddle.
Here's something a little silly, like puddle-jumping; something real, something Fall-ish. There is nothing sweeter than getting successfully from A to B at top speed in rotten weather. I wrote it today (with unusual exuberance).


Toqued, jacketed, coccooned in a construct
(roarings and rattlings, aluminum and rubber tires, immunity to Storm: a Vehicle)
I hurtle through the minor tempests of 8th avenue,
      Sudden Deluges -
the sky -
the Atmosphere
fling themselves at me -
they are dashed to pieces!
roiling clouds of vapor boiling behind juggernaut dump trucks engulf me -
they are repulsed.
Droplets creep through cracks in armor, droplets seep through traitorous vents:

In my wake, there is Diaspora, a displacement, a scattering of leaves
(vibrant scraps of orange, yellow tatters, threads, shreds: Tree-garments)
I am Quixote on Rocinante,
we are indomitable, inextinguishable, indelible,
we have triumphed, victory is ours,
we have won the day, we have won!

I really should've been working on homework, but I can't focus when I have a good idea.


  1. Interesting write there, James. Very different from your usual style, but I like it. It has the effect of a boiling, burbling afternoon, and when I was done reading it I tasted rain. And victory. Cool.

  2. Almost warrants a William Wallace "Freeeedom!"

  3. I like it.

    I do prefer "autumn" to "fall," though. Fall makes me think of going down, and bruises and scrapes, and descent, and endings. Autumn seems majestic and colourful.

  4. I like the parallelism it has with "Spring".
