Thursday, July 28, 2011

Things that Don't Mix

1. Socks, wooden floors, and sprinting. Only a quick grab for the ironing board saved me from certain death  minor bruises.

2. Delicious looking burritos and the dusty, spider-webby crack between the freezer in the garage and the wall.

...yes, I did get on top of the freezer, mash my too-short arm between fridge and wall and fish around for the languishing food article with a pair of long pliers. It was one of those situations where one wants to look at the item just out of reach in order to pick it up, but cannot because one's face is crushed against the area adjacent to the opening of the crack in order to stretch a few inches further. But I did manage to get it!


  1. ...linoleum and socks is also a bad combo. Add the corner of a wall, my knee and mix well. Serves up one dead leg for a good hour or so... ;)

  2. Brian! You still check blogger! Ou est les blog posts? Also: Haha, I seem to remember that anecdote from Pitcher's class.

  3. haha, just for you, I posted one
