Monday, September 26, 2011

A Few Quotes

My head is awhirl with reading. Here are a few of the things clamoring for brainspace right now:

        Did he fling himself down? who knows? for a vast speculation had failed,
        And ever he muttered and maddened, and ever wanned with despair,
        And out he walked when the wind like a broken worldling wailed,
        And the flying gold of the ruined woodlands drove through the air.
                --- Maud, 1.1.3 (Tennyson)

Depressing, but splendidly shivery all the same. Here's a long block of text that you are free to skip if you wish to miss out on a fine insight:

I was introduced to zoology and palaeontology ("for children") quite as early as to Faerie. I saw pictures of living beasts and of true (so I was told) prehistoric animals. I liked the "prehistoric" animals best: they had at least lived long ago, and hypothesis (based on somewhat slender evidence) cannot avoid a gleam of fantasy. But I did not like being told that these creatures were "dragons." I can still re-feel the irritation that I felt in childhood at assertions of instructive relatives (or their gift-books) such as these: "snowflakes are fairy jewels," or "are more beautiful than fairy jewels"... I was keenly alive to the beauty of "Real things," but it seemed to me quibbling to confuse this with the wonder of "Other things." I was eager to study Nature, actually more eager than I was to read most fairy-stories; but I did not want to be quibbled into Science and cheated out of Faerie by people who seemed to assume that by some kind of original sin I should prefer fairy-tales, but according to some new kind of religion I ought to be induced to like science. Nature is no doubt a life-study, or a study for eternity (for those so gifted); but there is a part of man which is not "Nature," and which therefore is not obliged to study it, and is, in fact, wholly unsatisified by it.
                   --- An endnote from "On Fairy-Stories." (J.R.R Tolkien, emphasis mine.)

And an unrelated but interesting argument by Matthew Arnold:
We have poems which seem to exist merely for the sake of single lines and passages; not for the sake of producing any total impression. We have critics who seem to direct their attention merely to detached expressions, to the language about the action, not to the action itself. I verily think that the majority of them do not in their hearts believe that there is such a thing as a total-impression to be derived from a poem at all, or to be demanded from a poet; they think the term a common-place of metaphysical criticism. They will permit the Poet to select any action he pleases, and to suffer that action to go as it will, provided he gratifies them with occasional bursts of fine writing. 
                   --- "Preface to the First Edition of Poems" (Emphasis mine.)

(He goes on to say that Victorians ought to take some lessons from the Greeks in choosing their subjects or plots. I'm not too sure about that. But substitute 'novel' for the word 'poem' in this passage - are there some plots that are inherently superior, or can any story be successful if told in a certain way? Is it reasonable to read a novel like a poem, that is, expecting brilliance and layers of meaning in every line?)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Good Music

Just wanted to share this song by Judith Beckedorf:

Pretty good, no? (If anyone can find tabs for it, serious brownie points. I'm having trouble getting the bass notes by ear, and her link leads to a German or Dutch site that looks suspiciously like a 404 error.)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Most Ridiculous Scene in Building G

John Stuart Mill: Poetry is, of course, the higher expression of the uncommonly articulate and cultivated mind, which despite retaining a bond with the average citizen - that is, a shared humanity, speaks with near prophetic strain to those complex emotions so strange to the rude intellect of the Tartar and the yet immature mind of the child, and thus it must only be discussed in wretchedly sesquipedalian t-

Student One: But soft! What is this abrupt and interrupting mellifluous odor that wafts 'round corners from coffee cups and curls quietly 'mongst these unfurled books? Why - I feel a thirst! Hence, loathed hunger! Gadzooks! the pangs begin.

Student Two: It wrenches me too. Aching of mid-class fatigue and breakfast abandoned strikes most untimely. Yet, were any time timely? This wallet aches worse! Curse you, Tim's, but oh! Bless you, bless you too. Coffee calls; my veins quicken. Caution be hanged!

Student Three: How those bagels bask in that warm angelic backlit glow! Oh, but I know your ways, deceitful food and beverage sales-place. It is not for nothing that you have sprung up 'longside this thoroughfare. At the Turnpike you waylay innocent travelers and strip them of their silver. But I'll starve before I submit. This poor student frame will have sustenance from text alone, or perish. To the Library hasten I! E'en the wise must be wary ere long, for no man may withstand forever the siren's song.

Exit Student ThreeStudent One observes.

Student One: She runs on Scylla, wishing to avoid Charybdis. Is't Mammon or Prudence she serves, I wonder? Some say the god is doubly named. By my pan! This tension is ode-worthy. To live in squalor with shining eyes and tastebuds euphoric is the true spirit of the romantic, aye, but Coffee is a harsher master than hunger. If Prudence be deaf, what shall I do?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Familiar Place

I inhale french vanilla. Clouds look in at the windows. We observe the man far away at the front of the room. The clock hangs over his head. He describes, explains, exhorts:

"It's hard enough (you know) to   keep    the    lion      at     the DOOR." 

"If men within themselves (That's very Miltonic, isn't it? Am I making any inroads here? Very Miltonic.) would be governed by reason, and not generally give up their UNDERSTANDING..."

Gesticulation in crescendo. Staccato emphases. Lulls. His helpless grin supplants frustration.

"Come on, guys! Let's end with a bang. I'm going to stop here. (Yeah, right here.) Just - just fill in the blank. Milton     can     only    ______

Minds wait for words to percolate. Mere synonyms won't do. You must find precisely the right words - have we been reeled in after all? The thought detaches me and and I bob gently in the stream of words. Books do not even have to be opened to be pleasant; hot drinks can be held before they are drained.

Two hours of this is not bad at all.