Saturday, October 2, 2010

In which the author regrets a grievous error

I've spelled it wrong. It's tulgey, not tulgy.

The name is important for two reasons.
1. It is a place in a nonsensical poem. This blog is a place for a lot of nonsensical and random ideas I have.

2. It is more than it appears. Think about it. It's the last resting place of the infamous Jabberwocky, sans la tete. Where were the equally infamous Bandersnatch and the JubJub bird? Why did some son of a madman seek out the Jabberwocky and brutally decapitate it? Highly suspicious, if you ask me. Here are my thoughts:

"Blown up?!" the Jabberwock exploded,
Vexed and sore afraid
"They'll pin this one on me,
or 'Wocky' ain't my name!"

"Aye," affirmed the Bandersnatch
In slithy, dulcet tones.
"These are dreadly, darksome times.
I shall tell the Jubjub bird-
You go on alone!"

PS I fixed the blog title. The world can stop holding its breath. All is well again.

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